CRWs for Vintage Vehicles in Ireland: What You Need to Know
If you own a vintage vehicle in Ireland, it’s important that you understand what your obligations are under Irish law. Standard cars need what’s known as a Certificate of Roadworthiness (CRW) so that they meet all the relevant standards and keep everyone on Ireland’s roads safe.
What Happens When a CRW is Lost or Stolen In Ireland?
A Certificate of Roadworthiness (CRW) is a key document in Ireland that proves your vehicle has successfully passed commercial vehicle testing. But what happens if yours becomes lost or stolen? Well, that’s what we look into here, so you know what to do.
Argent & Vehicle Safety in the EU
The Argent Equipment team offers a comprehensive array of commercial vehicle testing services from HCV CVRTs to ambulance testing. Everything we do is aimed at vehicle safety - which is a key priority for the European Union (EU) as they aim to reduce road accidents and enhance safety standards across all member states.
What to Do Before Applying for your ADR Test & Certificate
At Argent Equipment, we offer a wide range of commercial vehicle testing services which includes the Accord Dangereux Routier test or ADR CVRT.
This is mandatory for vehicles like fuel tankers and chemical transporters and it checks for roadworthiness, as well as things like hazardous goods labelling, tank integrity, fire extinguishers, emergency kits, and safety equipment compliance.
How to Apply for an ADR Test in Ireland
The ADR (Accord Dangereux Routier) certificate or ADR test, as it’s otherwise known, is an additional mandatory requirement for hazardous goods vehicles, such as those that transport fuel, explosives or dangerous chemicals.
What You Need to Know About Voluntary Tests
At Argent Equipment, we’re the trusted name in commercial vehicle testing in Dublin and we are committed to helping our customers in every we can. As well as offering everything from HCV testing to tachograph installation and calibration, we’re keen to educate our readers about the obligations commercial vehicle owners have in Ireland. It’s why we create blogs like these!
5 Common Reasons People Fail Their Commercial Vehicle Test
The Argent team delivers the full range of commercial vehicle testing services and we’re committed to doing everything we can to support you through the process. This includes giving you tips on ensuring your test goes smoothly - something we cover here in this blog.
Below, you’ll find five of the most common reasons that vehicles fail so you can take the necessary action to address these areas before you submit yours. So, without further delay, let’s get into the good stuff.
New EU legislation for Tachographs
This new version 2 smart tachograph is to be fitted to new vehicles first registered since August 2023 and retrofitted to vehicles operating internationally from the following dates:
Keeping Vehicle Records
The Argent Equipment team is committed to helping our customers stay safe on the road through our comprehensive range of commercial vehicle testing services. We also regularly create blogs like this one to educate our readers on the many aspects of HCV CVRTs, LCV testing, motorhome testing and more.
Commercial Vehicle Test Advice - CRW Expiry Dates Explained
Welcome to the latest Argent Equipment blog series that looks into all things relating to commercial vehicle testing. Today, we look at the Certificate of Roadworthiness (CRW), a document that confirms that commercial vehicles in Ireland (trucks, buses, and trailers) meet the necessary safety and environmental standards for use on the road.
How to Improve Your CVORI Rating
Today, we look at something known as the Commercial Vehicle Operator Risk Indicator (CVORI), which aims to protect the safety of all motorists on Ireland's roads. More specifically, we examine how you can ensure your CVORI rating is the best it can be.
Useful Facts to Know About Commercial Vehicle Testing
At Argent Equipment, we've written many blogs about commercial vehicle testing, covering many aspects of HCV testing. However, it's a complex subject, so today, we will get into the weeds and explore some of the well-known facts about HCV CVRTs.
The Wide Array of Services Offered by Argent Equipment
The Argent team is known for the high-quality commercial vehicle testing it offers customers across Dublin, but are you aware of the full extent of the services available? It's much broader than you might think, and that's the focus of this blog.
Legislation That Relates to Commercial Vehicle Testing
From our Dublin workshops, the Argent commercial vehicle testing team offers various testing services, from HCV testing to jeep testing and bus testing. We work in a highly regulated field for safety and compliance, and in this article, we look at the legislation that governs what we do. So, let's dive in and see what's what.
What Do You Need To Know About CVRT?
At Argent Equipment, we offer the full range of testing services from our Dublin workshops. From bus testing to HCV testing to ADR testing, we have the experience and skills required to ensure your commercial vehicle gets the required certification.
How to Prepare Your Vehicle for Your HCV Test
At Argent Equipment, we offer a wide range of vehicle testing services that range from bus testing to jeep testing and everything in between. To those not yet in the know, commercial vehicle testing is required every year in Ireland in order to drive legally.
This kind of testing involves the thorough inspection of all commercial vehicles on an annual basis in order to ensure roadworthiness. It also involves checking all the visible areas of the vehicle so as to ensure it's regularly maintained and serviced.
What an HCV CVRT Test Examines & the Possible Results Explained
For anyone new to the world of commercial vehicle testing, an HCV CVRT is designed to keep Ireland's roads safe. It's a mandatory test that must be carried out every year on every commercially-used vehicle in Ireland in order to drive legally.
Whether talking about bus testing, ambulance testing, or campervan testing, they all need to go through this test. The inspection involves checking the roadworthiness of the vehicle in question so that it satisfies basic safety standards on test day.
5 Useful Facts You Should Know About Vehicle Tests
At Argent Equipment, we're known across Dublin for being the go-to company for your HCV CVRT, bus testing, ambulance CVRT and more. As such, when we're not delivering reliable testing services, we're creating blogs like this one to help educate the public about what we do.
Why Exactly Do You Need a CVRT in Ireland?
If you drive a commercial vehicle or lorry in Ireland, you’re likely already aware that you have to take an annual CVRT test to remain compliant with government regulations. However, have you ever thought about why it’s needed to drive legally in this country?
Answering Your FAQs about CVRT Testing
At Argent Equipment, we offer a wide range of vehicle testing services from our Dublin-based workshops. From ADR testing to LCV testing, our commercial vehicle testing team has the expertise and experience needed to meet all of your needs.
Today, we're here to talk about the humble speed limiter, the important role it plays for commercial vehicle drivers and its associated testing requirements.